
Showing posts from June, 2018

The road leads to the West, the soul strives to the East…

My path to Oriental Medicine started over 30 years ago while I was a student at Medical Institute of Pediatrics in Russia. Back then, my mother was getting a treatment from the author of one of the most popular books on acupuncture in Russia. She liked the results from this therapeutic approach and bought many books about Acupuncture Study, which almost all I used later for my Acupuncture education that was called “Reflex Therapy” back in those days in Russia. But I was a medical school student and my real interest was only in scientific knowledge of Western Medicine. I became a DOCTOR!   After my graduation I started working as pediatrician in Ulan-Ude, Russia. It was very interesting but also difficult time. To see joyful and grateful eyes of the patients was a real reward for me as a doctor. But quickly I got unsatisfied with the results of my work. The same patients coming back again and again with the same problems, the same diseases getting the same treatments had put my