The road leads to the West, the soul strives to the East…

My path to Oriental Medicine started over 30 years ago while I was a student at Medical Institute of Pediatrics in Russia. Back then, my mother was getting a treatment from the author of one of the most popular books on acupuncture in Russia. She liked the results from this therapeutic approach and bought many books about Acupuncture Study, which almost all I used later for my Acupuncture education that was called “Reflex Therapy” back in those days in Russia. But I was a medical school student and my real interest was only in scientific knowledge of Western Medicine. I became a DOCTOR! 
After my graduation I started working as pediatrician in Ulan-Ude, Russia. It was very interesting but also difficult time. To see joyful and grateful eyes of the patients was a real reward for me as a doctor. But quickly I got unsatisfied with the results of my work.
The same patients coming back again and again with the same problems, the same diseases getting the same treatments had put my work on autopilot routine and made me feel like a robot. I was really disappointed and unsatisfied as there was nothing new and interesting to meet my expectations about being a doctor. I dreamed about the work that was very creative, therapeutic and exciting and even wanted to leave the profession that I loved.
During this time the Korean professor Park Jae Woo began giving lectures in my city. When my boss told me to attend his lectures I refused twice as I thought that his three weeks course would not be enough and that it would take at least a year of study to become a good specialist. But my boss insisted that I attend his lectures and I am so grateful to her for doing that! Professor Park’s lectures were amazing, logical and understandable. Just during three weeks he gave us the new compelling knowledge of the very complicated study. He totally changed my point of view on medicine and many other things.
Everything started from Su Jok. After Professor Park finished his lectures and left to Korea I was full of theoretical knowledge but didn’t know what to do with it. 
Gradually, step by step I started to apply Su Jok into my practice.
I began from first level of this unusual science - The Correspondent System.
When I worked as a doctor in Rehabilitation Department in the City Children Clinic I treated kids with chronic diseases, infants with the prenatal damages of the central nervous system and disabled children. I tried to apply Su Jok to most of my patients. I was excited by results I got by using this treatment. There were acute and chronic diseases, simple and hard curable cases. The most interesting case I had was the three months old infant. He was referred to me by the surgeon who cut the loose string from the cloth diaper that was wrapped around his third toe cutting the circulation. But even after the procedure was done the infant’s toe was still swollen and brown in color threatening the amputation. I didn’t know what kind of physical therapy I could order for this tiny toe. With no options, I offered the Su Jok therapy. That was the very first time when I applied the acupuncture for such little baby. I put only one needle in the correspondent point. Then I warmed it up. The next day I was astonished when I saw an absolutely healthy toe. Since this case I began to apply Su Jok to the infants. 
Since 1994 I had regularly attended Professor J.W. Park’s Su Jok seminars. Later I completed an advanced education of Acupuncture in Russia that I needed for my practice as a doctor of rehabilitation. This really helped me to better understand many things about Eastern Medicine.
During those years I treated a large number of infants with prenatal damages of the central nervous system. The neurologists, orthopedists and pediatricians referred their patients to me for treatment because they saw the efficiency of Su Jok therapy. There were children suffered of acute and chronic intrauterine hypoxia, birth injury, intrauterine pneumonia, congenital dysplasia of the hip joint, malformations and other pathologies. I have often used color, seeds and electro puncture as pain free treatment. Treating babies in the first year of life prevents the development of many chronic diseases later in life. There is statistically proven reduction of these children morbidity by three times in the second year of their lives. I also accrued many clinical cases shown the effectiveness in treatment of the disabled children. The time had proved the efficiency of this therapy. The benefits of Su Jok are its simplicity, efficiency, security and availability. 
When I worked as the physical therapy doctor in Buryat Republican Sports Rehabilitation Dispensary I got an experience of applying Su Jok therapy to treat sports injuries. At the same time I organized and observed the elderly group. Their treatments included Su Jok, acupuncture, breathing exercise and joint gymnastics. I taught the athletes and elderly people the principles of Su Jok therapy. As result in the very short time the members of an elderly group showed the decrease in biological age by 10-15 years. This was proven statistically.
The observation of the elderly rejuvenation reassured my confidence to natural drug free treatment approach.
Later Professor Park developed an additional methods based on Triorigin theory. They are Twist Therapy, Spiral Exercises, Triorigin Yoga, Triorigin Taichi, Meditation Practice (Triorigin Smilemeditation). All those are called “The methods of self-regulating and self-renewal of a man”. This is a new trend in the medicine I think. Professor Park Jae Woo is the author of the original Triorigin Theory based on the Ancient Eastern Medicine. All his methods are very logical, simple in learning and application, safe, unexpansive and not time consuming.
In Moscow I worked in International Su Jok Academy and was the physical therapy doctor in Moscow Clinical Hospital at the same time. While working in the hospital I started to use the very new method - Twist Therapy. I helped patients to recover after the heart attack, stroke, spine fracture, diabetes, various kinds of injuries, etc. Once again I was amazed by the fast and effective results of the Twist Therapy. In just 3-10 minutes it could low down high blood pressure or restore the movement of the spine in spinal hernia case.
The case that impressed me the most was a 60 years old woman who went through 9 courses of chemotherapy after radical breast cancer surgery. I did a short twist diagnostics on her and showed her a special therapeutic walk to treat her condition. At first, I held her hand and she held her cane in her other hand but, literally, just after a few steps she no longer needed my help and after the next few steps she put away her cane and walked on her own totally amazed at herself. Since then she never used her cane and she is now happy and self-confident.
Being a doctor and a teacher I certainly used all these methods on myself. Because of this my life had changed tremendously and continues to change for the better.
During my childhood, school and college years my health was not that strong. Later in college I understood why. I was hypotonic and was not physically fit. By practicing Su Jok and Twist Therapy I was able to fix this acute problem, and with Yoga and Tai Chi fixed my chronic condition, and with Meditation I changed my life and reached my goals.
Thanks to unique information based on an ancient knowledge of Eastern Medicine and Eastern Philosophy my mind had become multifaceted and my physical capabilities had significantly improved. Now days my medicine cabinet is totally drug free and has only the first-aid kit and some antiseptics. I can always help myself, my family and friends by using a twist motion or massaging the correspondent point to get relief in less than half hour.
Due to meditation I understood that my abilities are more than I thought I have.
I was not athletic at all. In 2011 for the first time I invited my friends to Smilemeditation in Alchanay Mountain. This is a sacred place in the Buddhist world in Russia. Once I heard about pilgrim's path of 108 km which monks passed in 4 days. That’s when I decided to pass this path with Smilemeditation. This very difficult but interesting hike was changing us inside and strengthening physically every single time.
All Triorigin methods developed by professor Park J. Woo are based on a deep philosophical foundation, clear logic and significant philanthropic trend.  This knowledge gives anybody the possibility to achieve harmony between mind and body in the most natural way and to overcome the ailments in a non-conflict way. My teacher passed away in 2010.
My teacher’s Professor Park Jae Woo dream was to create Triorigin World of happy and smiling people where everybody has a chance to be happy and healthy. Being a teacher at International Su Jok Association, I like many his students, continue to introduce Triorigin knowledge to people in the different walks of life. I have been teaching all this methods in many cities in Russia, Europe and America. By using simple, free and natural methods based on the knowledge of Eastern Medicine people would not suffer from the pharmaceutical drugs’ dangerous side effects and could avoid unnecessary surgeries. Holding annual Triorigin Tai Chi seminars on the coast of Lake Baikal and Smilemeditation workshops in the Alchanay Mountains I am happy to see how this practices has changed these people’s and my lives. It changes the emotional status, the outlook on the world and opens the new talents.
Now in America I continue my education in Eastern Medicine and Eastern Philosophy to expend my knowledge. I am learning new things and discovering the wisdom of Eastern Medicine and Eastern Philosophy.
All this time as I study I see that huge domain of unknown that is so much more then my
knowledge. I am happy I didn’t get stuck on Western education and was fortunate to get to know my teacher Professor Park Jae Woo who had introduced me to this amazing knowledge proven by centuries.

Professor’s Park Jae Woo dream was to create Triorigin World of happy and smiling people where everybody has a chance to be happy and healthy.


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