Anti-stress exercise
Anti-stress exercise can help us to resist to the stress which is the
reason of many diseases. The goal of this exercise is to improve the blood
circulation in upper spine region. This region is like adaptor in regulation of
the work of organs and systems of our body. There are many mental and emotional
problems are collecting here like in energetical backpack. It becomes “more
heavy” with years and influences to the posture, physical condition and
Anti- stress exercise is one of kind of twist exercises. It consists
of four stages. It needs the some towel, or some belt or cord for performing of
it. This equipment will help to influence to the deep muscles of interscapular
region. Somebody can feel discomfort in the beginning of practice. But try to
use the shorter towel with time. The shorter towel the better effect. But
practice this exercise in comfortable way. Don’t do it through severe pain and
resist. Be careful.
So, stay straight. Keep the towel by in - twist of your hands, thus the
thumbs are close to the body. Try to keep the towel horizontally while you
perform exercise.
The first stage are vertical motions. Lift your straight arms overhead.
Bend your arms in elbow joints and fold them down behind the back. Then lift
them overhead again. Repeat this exercise 2 or 4 times.
The second stage are horizontal motions. Keep the towel at the scapula
level behind the back. Straiten your left arm and move the towel to the left on this level. Then straiten your right arm and move the towel to the right on
this level. Repeat this exercise 2 or 4 times.
The third stage are diagonal movements. Replace your straight arms with
towel to the upper left position. While
you move the towel to the down right position, bend your both elbow joints.
Then replace your arms with towel to upper left position again. Repeat this exercise 2 or 4 times.
Now move your straight arms to the right upper position. While you move
the towel to the down left position, bend both your elbow joints. Then move your arms
with towel to upper right position again.
Repeat this exercise 2 or 4 times.
The fourth stage are round motions. Lift your straight arms with towel overhead. Move down the towel through left side while you straiten your left
arm and your bend right arm should follow at the same level. Finally your both
straight arms are in down position. Now lift your arms with towel through right side while
you straiten your right arm and your bend left arm follows at the same level.
Finally your both straight arms are in upper position. Repeat this exercise 2
or 4 times.
Now perform same motion but in opposite direction. Move down the arms with a towel
through right side. While you straiten your right arm bend your left arm
following at the same level. Finally your both straight arms are in down
position. Now lift the towel through left side while you straiten your left arm
and your bend right arm follows at the same level. Finally your both straight
arms are in upper position. Repeat this exercise 2 or 4 times.
This simple and short complex helps to keep good as physical as emotional condition. It straightens
your posture, improves the night rest, reduces spine-, head- and heart-ache and
normalizes blood pressure etc.
Anti-stress exercise is much better than massage because it has deeper effect to the muscles. You can practice it many times without any contraindications.
I wish you be calm and healthy!
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