Twist can lower your high blood pressure


Since ancient times people unknowingly used the twist therapy to maintain their health and good mood. The history of twist therapy goes back many centuries in the form of folk dances (round dances), yoga, etc. However, twist therapy can also be used to ease some specific chronic and acute conditions.

For example, even such disturbing condition as high blood pressure can be relieved with the use of twist therapy.

How to do this? Sit in a chair, put your feet in a clubfooted position - toes together and heels apart, drop down your arms with your palms turned back. Tilt your head forward and slightly to the right, turn your chin to the right, so your left ear is facing your right knee. Relax, making sure you are comfortable in this position. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, maintaining even normal breathing. After 30 seconds, return to the starting position and take 3 normal in and out breaths. Rest for 1 - 2 minutes and check your blood pressure again using a blood pressure monitor. Practice shows that in 90% cases the pressure decreases by 10 units. If your starting blood pressure was significantly elevated, you can repeat these steps again after 5-10 minutes.

I would like to make a disclaimer that this is not an alternative to a medical treatment, but a helpful suggestion on how you can help yourself on the spot. I recommend trying twist therapy if your condition allows. It all depends on your well-being and overall physical condition. Twist therapy is the simplest, cheapest, safest remedy that is always with you, a method given to us by a nature.

Stay healthy!

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