Smile yoga

Smile yoga has as wellness as treating effects. There is a big difference between Smile yoga and other kinds of yoga. The complex consists of four basic motions which you perform in different positions of your body. The treating effect is based on the principle of twist therapy. We don’t use uncomfortable find painful positions. The motions of these directions you have to do are sparing, cautious and short time. The medicinal effect is achieved only by pleasant, careful motions. While you are practicing this complex smile appears on you face.
 Due to this rule Smile yoga is absolutely safe. It can be performed by any person even by babies as well as by elderly ones, people who suffer from various kinds of diseases even disabled people. The little children, aged people and disabled children usually like it because of it simplicity.

Any direction of Smile yoga has special effect.
Initial position is aimed at body relaxation.
The stretching twisting motions fill you with fresh energy and cheerfulness. It prepares your body for the next stages of Smile yoga. While you are performing it, your body has shape of spiral or a rainbow. This stage is good for you if your blood pressure is low and you are depressed etc.
The next stage is performed by bending twisting motions. Your body is flexing and wringing like a shell. This is good in the case of acute diseases, osteoporosis, if you have high blood pressure, high temperature etc.
The fourth stage consists of twisting motions on the middle level. This stage supports the harmony and balance.
Different initial positions have different influence on one’s body. If you perform Smile yoga in lying position all parts of your body are activating uniformly. The spiral energy waves follow from the toes through the belly and the chest to the fingers. The sitting initial position affects the upper part of the body, the neck and chest parts of the spine, the brain and all organs of the head. The standing initial position actively involves in the motion the low part of the body, the lumbar spine and the abdominal organs, the hip, the knee and ankle joints.

The age of people among my patients who have practiced Smile yoga varies from 2 months to 92 years. The result of this activity is the recovery of motion amplitude of patients with spine problems, cerebral palsy and disseminated sclerosis. It improves your health if you have coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, chronic illness of the belly and pelvis etc.


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