Twist therapy to live with a smile.

The efficiency of twisting motions has been proved for centuries by popularity of yoga. Almost all yoga asana are based on twist motions. The folk dances are healing because they are based on twist movements as well. Twist therapy is way more effective than traditional physical therapy methods.

To practice twist therapy you have to determine which position of your body and what movement will be therapeutic. In twist therapy you can use only comfortable moves. Remember this!

The diagnostic is very important in twist therapy. It has three steps.

First of all, we need to determine for which part of the body we need to find a healing movement. If you have pain in your limbs you need to explore the motions of its joints. If you have a problem with one of the inner organs, you need to explore the motions of the spine joints leveled with this specific organ.

Next, we need to analyze the motions. For the limb joints this will be bending in and out, and for the spine joints bending in four directions (forward, backward, and to the sides - left and right). While you are bending in each direction you have to determine which motion is most comfortable for you. If you can’t choose the most comfortable motion, you can choose the most uncomfortable one and use the opposite direction for the treatment.

In conclusion of our diagnostics let’s examine a twist. A motion of the hands and feet curving inward is an “IN” twist and a motion outward is an “OUT” twist. To find a healing twist you need to make a movement in chosen comfortable direction doing “IN” and “OUT” twists and try to feel the difference. If you need to heal an arm, you will twist your hands and for the legs, twist your feet. For inner organs - let’s examine a torso twist. For the torso - a twist to the left is an “OUT” twist and to the right an “IN” twist. It is necessary to determine which twist would be most comfortable turning to the most comfortable direction.

So our prescription will be most comfortable movement and comfortable twist.

For example, you have sore knees. Sit on a chair, better on the edge (so it's easier to get up). If possible, try not to use your hands. Stand up and sit back, pointing your toes out like Charlie Chaplin.  Listening to the feelings in your knee joints, determine what is easier: to stand up or sit down. Let's say it's easier to sit down. Now again sitting on the edge of a chair, point your feet in an “IN” twist. Again, stand up and sit down, listening to the feelings in your knees. Suppose again it is easier to sit down. Now you need to determine which way is easier for you to sit – using an “OUT” twist or “IN” twist? To do this, you need to sit down, positioning your feet in an “OUT” twist, then sit down, placing your feet in an “IN” twist. Let’s say it’s easier to sit using “OUT” twist. Therefore, out of the four movements, bending knee joints using “OUT” twist is the most comfortable for you. This is your healing motion. By the way, this movement is often suitable in case of arthrosis-arthritis of older people. The best option for the treatment of the legs is a twist walking alternatively bending the legs and simultaneously turning feet outwards. My practice shows these are the best moves for senior patients with sore knees. Twist walking is useful for treatment of chronic diseases. Use this twist walking as often as possible during the day.

Let’s analyze the inner organs.

For example, you have pain and bloating in the upper abdomen after a hearty feast. To find a healing position you need to bend your torso to the upper-level lumbar in four directions: back and forth, left and right. Listen to which of the four movements feels the most comfortable. Then in this direction lean to the left by turning the upper body, then to the right. Suppose it is easier to bend forward and with the right twist of upper body. For treatment sit on a chair, lean forward supporting left elbow on a right knee, so it's easier to hold this position. Relax and sit keeping this healing pose for about 30 seconds. Then, returning to its original position, see if you feel better. If you feel better, then return to your therapeutic position and keep it up to 2-4 minutes. Abdominal pain will decrease.


When pain disrupts your plans, use twist therapy, and it is very important to find your own healing position for specific problem. To restore your well-being, I usually recommend regular twist gymnastics as a morning exercise. Regular practice of twist gymnastics is guaranteed to protect you from many health problems.


Some samples of my practice:

A 60 years old woman went through 9 courses of chemotherapy after radical surgery for breast cancer. At my presentation of the self-healing techniques she complained to me of the pain in the knee joints. She said that for the last two years she couldn’t walk without a cane. The diagnostics showed that all movements in the knee joints were painful, but sitting down with “OUT” twist was easier. I recommended her an exercise: while leaning on the back of a chair, alternately bend her knee joints with her feet in an “OUT” twist. While she did that she felt better. Then, I recommended her to walk the same style. She held her cane in one hand and I supported her by holding her other hand. Literally, just after a few steps she no longer wanted my help. After the next few steps she threw away her cane and walked on her own totally amazed at herself. Since then she never used use her cane and she is now happy and self-confident. She constantly uses this twist walking technique.


Another example. During a trip to another country 62 year old lady suddenly got a severe low back pain, probably due to a long flight and carrying her heavy luggage. Of course, she was very upset by this. I tried to use seeds in Su Jok system and twist therapy. She liked the twist therapy better because first - it was painless and easy to do, and second - she could do it during her trip tours. Diagnostics showed that the healing motion for her lower back is a slight bend forward with right twist at same time, and twist walking with her feet in an “OUT” twist while straightening her legs.  This twist walking is suitable also  for patients with diabetes and obesity. This twist walking treatment was so effective that just within a few months her back pain was completely gone, although the back pain bothered her for many years. She even managed to go on Smilemeditation hiking, and this four-day hike with a backpack and overnight stays in the field.  It passed about two years, and if it is her lower back begins to "beep", she immediately uses this twist walking as her magic wand. It helps her to feel free, avoid doctor’s visits, avoid extra stress, save money and stay happy.

Continuing  subject of happiness. To be happy, we need flexibility - flexibility of our personality and our body. As you know, if we can’t change our lives, in this case, we can simply change our attitude. Our body requires flexibility. Sedentary life, even in young people, promotes the loss of natural infant flexibility. Twist gymnastics is the easiest and fastest way to acquire this wonderful quality, giving us a sense of freedom. Twist means twisting.

Twist therapy as a discipline emerged in 2003. However, it beats all the records and absolutely everyone could use it and it’s completely free. The main thing is to understand what movement is causing you discomfort and use the opposite movement for treatment.

If you suffer from headaches, back pain, you can't get rid of stress, insomnia, increased appetite, and more – twist therapy will help.


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