Viral vibes

Spring is the time of wind, the time when everything changes swiftly and spreads out.
A nature awakes and changes vigorously every day. The same happens to us, our emotions and body functions change briskly. What can we do to help ourselves? We can control wind energy and direct it to the desired course. The coronavirus pandemic has been officially declared. The internet is swamped with contradictory information confusing the consumers of what to believe. In such extraordinary situations, the most important is to keep calm, to be aware and act wisely. The virus is like radiation - invisible but dangerous. The best strategy is to set barriers to prevent it from penetrating our bodies to harm us. Therefore the preventive measures are most important - closing the borders to protect the entrance gates.

The entrance gates to the body are the skin and the mucous membranes. The preventive measures are the routine personal hygiene. Cleanliness guarantees health!
Every rational person knows to wash hands when return home and before eating. But now, it matters way more! The evening shower is also helpful, not to only cleans the skin, but also to activate a blood flow to the epithelial tissues. This is what is taught in the kindergarten - to wash before going to sleep which protects the mucous membranes. Rinsing the nose is also helpful (by simply sniffing in the water from the palm and blow, repeat this several times with each nostril). After all, the nose is the entrance gate to the lungs.
Before getting into the body, the virus first gets on the skin and mucous membranes and then penetrates into the lungs. From Eastern Medicine point of view the protective energy circulates on the surface to protect us from the harmful effects of the environment and is immersed inside during sleep, to aid the process of self-healing. This makes the evening hygiene very important in order to maintain good health.

To properly move wind energy is necessary the fallowing: good diet, agility, full sleep and harmonized emotions.

The products containing phytoncides such as garlic, onions, green onions and coriander should be included in your daily diet. The regular consumption of tea with cinnamon, ginger and licorice will help you to prevent any virus from entering the body.

The nature of virus is a cold; therefore the chilled and raw foods should be reduced. Food must be warm, well processed, easily digested and various. Eat regularly, don’t overeat nor starve. It is important that the diet contains proteins but keep in mind that too much dairy and meat are not desirable.

Ginger tea: Finely slice a small piece of fresh ginger, about half an inch, add 2-3 thin slices of lemon, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and steep. Then add honey to taste. This tea turns out to be not just healthy, but also delicious.

With quarantine, many of us are staying home in a closed space inside an apartment or a house. As a result, we become hypodynamic. In this case the task is to prevent the wind energy from sluggishness that leads to the blood stagnation and then to diseases.

Wind is a movement. Physical movements ensure the circulation of energy and blood in the human body. The simplest thing to offer is self-massage as smoothing, patting and pinching along the meridians. On the arms it is an upward direction along back of the hand to the shoulder joints and a downward direction along the inner surface from the armpits to the palm of the hand. On the legs is the opposite the downward direction along the outer surface of the legs from the hip joints to the toes and the upward direction along the inner side of the legs from the feet to the groin. Repeat each movement 3-4 times.

Include the practice of Tai chi, Yoga, Qi gong or any other physical activity that is most suitable for you in your daily routine.
The harmonizing gymnastic is the most desirable option as a morning workout. This short and simple exercise can be repeated throughout the day and you are getting 4 tasks in one activity: physical, spiritual, breathing and relaxation-harmonizing exercises.    

Good sleep is an important component of our lives. During sleep the body works hard to improve health of the insides of our body. The sleep mode (falling asleep and wake up time), the length, the quality of sleep and the environment you sleep in are important.

How to harmonize the emotions? There are no bad emotions, all emotions must be present in our lives. Fear is also useful if it is harmonious. Excessive fear causes panic, we do not need it. Deep, hidden fear prevents us from moving forward. Productive, harmonious fear allows us to move forward safely and productively. Just like not crossing the street on the red light. If you are overwhelmed by some emotion, try to direct it to the productive, harmonious rails, so that it does not destroy but build bringing a good result.

Meditation, breathing exercises, reading a good book, watching quality programs, socializing with positive people will help to stay in good spirit.
I wish you all health, confidence in yourselves and in a brighter tomorrow!


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