Stop And Smell The Roses

 Your nose is not only the one of the most significant face features but has other very important functions:

- Sense of smell (olfactory) that allows us to enjoy the pleasant aromas and warns us of dangers.

- Protects Coming through the nose the inhaled air is being cleansed from environmental dust and germs, warmed and moisturized in the nasal sinuses.

- Controls the lungs and heart functions. Clear and unobstructed nasal passages promote productive oxygen supply, increase breathing volume and regulate heartbeat.

- Stimulates brain function. Nasal nerve receptors are part of the brain tissue.

- Voice Resonance characterizes and differentiates our voices.

With that being said, it is clear what an important role nasal breathing plays in maintaining good health. When the pathogens such as allergens, viruses, bacteria and dust attack the nasal mucosa, the swelling develops and the nose becomes congested. This changes the sound of your voice, develops headache, shortens breathing, increases a heartbeat, blocks the sense of smell, decreases an appetite, etc.

They say - a treated runny nose goes away in 7 days, and an untreated runny nose goes away in a week. However, there is a great possibility to speed up this process if you use a Healing Twist. Twist therapy accelerates an effect up to 3-4 times compared to the conventional approaches.

If you already have a stuffy nose, whether you are in a stage of an acute runny nose or the initial stage of a hay fever, the therapeutic twist of the nose bridge could help to ease the congestion. Pinch the skin on the nose bridge in a vertical fold and gently twist it to the right (towards the right eye), hold for a few seconds, then twist it to the left (towards the left eye), hold for a few seconds. Observe how you feel. Twisting to one of the sides should be less comfortable then to the other.

Holding the skin fold of the nose bridge twist it in the direction that is more comfortable for you and hold it for two minutes. Usually, when the nose is stuffy, the twist to the right should work better. Close your eyes, relax and smile. After two minutes, release the pinch and breathe normal through your nose in and out 3 times.

If you have done everything correctly, you will notice that nasal congestion has decreased and there is less discharge.

Repeat this exercise four times.

If after that you still feel congested and have the painful sensations, repeat the same manipulations with the tip of the nose, then with the outer part of the nasal septum.

I also recommend a harmonizing nose twist exercise as a preventive measure if you suffer from chronic rhinitis, household allergies, hay fever. The exercise is also suitable to ease chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and bronchial asthma. It increases blood circulation in the brain and improves memory.

Sit or stand up straight. Hold the tip of the nose with your thumb and index finger, but do not cover the nasal passages with your hand. Keep your head straight and gently move the tip of your nose in four directions in the following sequence:

- in the upper left direction, towards the left eye

- in the lower right direction, towards the right shoulder

- in the lower left direction, towards the left shoulder

- in the upper right direction, towards the right eye

Repeat this complex 4 times.

The harmonizing nose twist exercise strengthens the entire respiratory system, since the nose is the entrance gate to the lungs.

Stay healthy and breathe freely!


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