Again about Triorigin

What should I know about Triorigin and how can I practice it

Of course, we do not analyze each of our actions from a Triorigin perspective in our everyday life and current household surroundings. I'm using this Master Key in argumentative, complex situations. Although Triorigin principles are not necessary in everyday life, but just as we can live our lives without understanding things like infinity of the universe, chemical structure of a molecules or the law of gravity, having this knowledge changes our mindfulness of life. Sometimes I hear from my friends: Oh, come on! I'm doing all the right things, but it's not working out, and someone is getting everything without even trying! People with developed intuition make the most productive decisions without the slightest idea of Triorigin. They are successful in life, satisfied, harmonious, and calm. But unfortunately, not all people can rely on their intuition, but everyone wants to be happy, in spite of their skills and potentials. Everyone has an opportunity to be healthy, happy and successful. To achieve this, we can use the Triorigin Master Key, but how do we do this?

 The Triorigin model is a fundamental structure that is present in any phenomenon of our world:

Ø Mind – body – soul - life

Ø Birth – prime life – declining years - passing

Ø Root – tree trunk – branches and leaves – flowers and fruits

Ø Inhale – pause – exhale - pause

As we understand this by analyzing its components, we get an ability to move forward effectively (Neutro), rather than rushing ahead of events (Hetero) or repeating monotonous worthless efforts (Homo). The mind is recognized as primary according to its Hetero nature. If there is a clear logic in our judgment and we are aware of the Triorigin nature in the developing of the events, the result will certainly be there, and most likely even better than expected. This is a Law of Nature. If instead of just desiring, wishing, fantasizing or complaining about something, which is a nature of Neuto, you shift your mindset on how to accomplish it (how to make it happen), or to find a way out of undesirable situation, switching to the state of Hetero, those are the two elements of Master Key, its two components (Neuto and Hetero). But to achieve a positive result we need two other components. Homo is meant to determine the most productive solution to act on, and then, the fourth component Neutro will produce an ultimate result.

 Now let’s take a look at Triorigin practices. All of them are based on Triorigin theory. The dynamic types which is a spiral exercise, such as twist gymnastics and twist walking, carry Hetero nature that leads to faster changes, because Hetero likes to change. Their Hetero nature lifts the mood and often brings laughter. Smile Yoga and Sam Von Gong are less dynamic and more calming because they are of Homo nature and don’t change us as fast. These practices are beneficial to people with chronic diseases. The body does not like to change quickly because it is Homo. Smile Taiji have a Neutro nature, that is why changes occur at all levels and are usually unnoticeable. The years are reversed, the body gets younger, the mind becomes sharper to function better, and the soul smiles.

 To get maximum benefit, you can use different positions: lying on the floor (Neuto), sitting on the floor or on a chair (Homo), standing on your knees or upright (Hetero), and moving (Neutro).

Also you can use directions of the Globe: facing to the East is Hetero, facing to the West is Homo, South brings you Neutro energy and North is Neuto. You can achieve best results by practicing different basic positions and also mantras and mudras, variations of breath, smiles, twists etc., that help you increase or decrease an impact of external or internal factors. 

 The instant effectiveness and ease of exercise of these Triorigin practices are characterized by subsequence of these fundamental forces. Hetero always wants to lead, stand up, to be the first. That is why we start any complex of exercises from Hetero position with all turns twisting back as far as possible. The combination of these three Hetero moves characterizes Extreme Hetero. The opposite direction has Homo characteristics. Hetero and Homo are always the opposite, as well as Neutro and Neuto:

Ø Hetero – upper left

Ø Homo – down right

Ø Neuto – down left

Ø Neutro – upper right

The sequential alternation of expansion and contraction, extension and bending, left to right and right to left rotations, and the influence of the spiral component provides a harmonizing healing effect that activates the spiral energy system.

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All Triorigin practices are different but have common logic. This makes them easy to learn and to practice. From my experience, my patients’ age ranges from the youngest of the 19 days old newborn to the oldest of 94 years old. As one of my patients said, the twist gymnastics is just one magical exercise.

And this magic is available to everyone!

You can find these moves in practice on YouTube


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