Flexible posture

A healthy and strong posture at any age - dream or a reality?

The back pain is the most common problem many people have to handle regardless of their age or walk of life. This could affect almost everyone sooner or later. Back pain limits daily activities, diminishes quality of life causing physical and emotional chronic discomfort. The unhealthy weakened spine affects the health of internal organs. Improper movements and sedentary lifestyle won't help to maintain a healthy spine. Our posture reflects our stamina and endurance.

Throughout our daily activities we strain our backs not only with our own weight but also by lifting all kind of loads such as heavy shopping bags, laundry baskets, pushing, pulling etc. In the vertebral column each vertebrae is intended to move. To keep them strong, healthy and flexible it is imperative to know the correct movements that are indispensable for a healthy spine. So, what movements are fundamental to keep a good posture?

The cervical and lumbar parts of spine are the most mobile and therefore the most vulnerable. Therefore, the most common problems are osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine and scoliosis that may outgrow a herniated disc causing pain and disability. As a doctor, I am familiar with variety of the therapeutic exercise complexes, but the most effective is Twist Therapy. It is safe, easy to do and has quick results. The typical physical exercise could cause pain and discomfort preventing its completion, while the Twist Therapy is based on comfort and relaxation. The twisting motions are limited by the comfort amplitude range and duration. The most therapeutic twist motions are those in an opposite direction from a painless one and should cause slight discomfort. Those are the ones that should be performed at larger amplitude and for a longer time. The Harmonizing Twist Exercise which I have mentioned in my previous articles is uncomplicated and used for diagnostic purposes. Today, I would like to introduce a new type of Harmonizing Twist Exercise to correct, improve and straighten your posture. This exercise is composed of 4 movements, which symbolize four directions of the globe, four seasons, four elements. The synergy of these fundamental forces fills the body with power, energy, serenity and freshness generating a harmonizing effect.

This exercise is performed by working only your shoulders. It could be done anywhere, you can do it at your desk, on an airplane during flight, sitting down or standing up.

This exercise works your shoulders in various planes: vertical, horizontal, diagonal. The movements in different directions of the shoulder joints closest to the spine create the spiral energetic waves affecting all spinal tissues.

Hold your head still and look straight. Because the head and pelvis are in the fixed position, the motions amplitude range is not significant but has stronger effect on all muscles and internal tissues. This way you get greater results by lesser efforts.

The Twist Exercise in a vertical plane is similar to the Spiral Gymnastics that I described in my other article in this blog. To start, take a comfortable position standing up or sitting down.

Use only your shoulders, don’t move, don’t turn and don’t bend your head during this exercise.

First: Stretch your left shoulder blade to the back of the head trying to reach it as close as possible. Return to the original position.

Second: Stretch your right shoulder blade down to your tailbone. Return to the original position.

Third: Stretch your left shoulder blade down to your tailbone. Return to the original position.

Fourth: Stretch your right shoulder blade to the back of the head trying to reach it as close as possible. Return to the original position.

Repeat 4 - 16 sets, the more, the better. It is preferable to start doing just 4 sets and gradually increase to 16 sets. It takes just 1 - 2 minutes to do 16 sets, but gives you the same end result as spending a whole hour in the gym.

This approach is very beneficial to cervical and thoracic spine disorders, emotional problems, insomnia, chest pain etc.

The second exercise is performed in horizontal plane where pelvis is still and the thoracic spine is the most movable, especially lumbar vertebra. This exercise is most beneficial to the patients diagnosed with the cervical and lumbar spine osteochondrosis.

The next exercise is performed by stretching shoulder blades in horizontal direction somewhat as to the four lower corners of the room.

First: Stretch left shoulder blade to the front left lower corner turning chest to the right. Return to the original position.

Second: Stretch left shoulder blade to the back right lower corner turning chest to the left. Return to the original position.

Third: Stretch right shoulder blade to the back left lower corner turning chest to the right. Return to the original position.

Fourth: Stretch right shoulder blade to the front right lower corner turning chest to the left. Return to the original position.

Repeat 4 - 16 sets or more if you wish.

These Twist Gymnastics help develop a good posture and keep your spine strong, healthy and flexible.


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