Dealing with stress

Dealing with stress - restore and strengthen your nervous system instead of destroying it.

In today’s environment dealing with stress has become a great issue and every year more and more people have to deal with it. Perhaps it is due to aging or maybe our busy modern lifestyle. I don’t remember people dealing with stress that much in a past.  Let’s try to analyze. Stress is a reaction to extreme life situations that could be either negative or positive. According to scientific research, positive circumstances could cause even more stress then negative. There are two types of stress that we are exposed to: acute and chronic. There are fairly effective techniques to cope with acute stress but it is way more difficult to recognize chronic stress. If you think about it, 90% of today’s health problems are caused by stress. Chronic stress can ruin your health, the longer we live with stress - the more it affects not only our mental health but furthermore our physical health as well. Our brain sends warning signals to our endocrine glands by activating chemical discharge of stress hormones to our blood stream.

Needless to say that our modern sedentary lifestyle does not ensure the effective utilization of these stress hormones, they keep circulating in our blood, stressing internal organs in our system. As result, we lose energy, our immune system weakens, we become vulnerable to infections and age faster, then comes along an array of chronic diseases such as sluggishness, apathy, poor sleep, obesity, chronic fatigue syndrome, high blood pressure and other health issues. So, what can we do to resist the destructive effect of stress?

 Our modern lifestyle dominates with stress factors that we cannot avoid, but we can reduce its destructive activity that affects our bodies and minds and get it under control. It is well known that people who are physically active are less susceptible to stress-related harm. Physical activity builds muscular system that allows us to release tension, deactivate emotional stress and re-distribute energy between mind and body. The harmonizing morning Twist Exercise for just one to two minutes releases muscle knots and tension, elevates mood, and boost energy for a whole day.

If you're experiencing irritability, mood swings, depression, anxiety and fear, then simple Anti-Stress gymnastics can replace the visit to psychotherapists and expensive spa salons. The duration and effect of this effortless exercise are times greater than fancy massage. The main advantage of stress gymnastics is that you can do it yourself any time and it's absolutely free.

If you're suffer from headaches, dizziness, forgetfulness, have difficulties to concentrate or make a simple decision, the  help is in your own hands and feet called Su Jok* - a correspondence (projection) of human body on hands and feet. The thumbs of the hands and big toes on the feet correspond to the head, which is also represented on the nail phalanxes of all fingers and toes. Massage of the nail phalanges of the fingers and toes improves blood circulation, eliminates spasms and stimulates the metabolic processes of the brain. Nail phalanges are the most distal parts of the body. They connected to the cortical structures of the brain and stimulation of nail phalanges improves mental activity. Finger Gymnastics helps you look at the situation objectively and find the best way to help yourself.

The Smile Twist Breathing* technique will help you cope with anxiety, insomnia and fatigue. Due to the active diaphragm contractions that forces the movements of the chest and abdomen, Smile Twist Breathing technique provides therapeutic effect on heart disorders as well as lungs and abdominal cavity, and improves the circulation of all internal organs and systems. The best way to do this is to take a comfortable position, preferably lying down. Imagine you're on the seashore, inhaling the fresh ocean breeze or the scent of forest air after the rain diffusing into every cell of your body. Take a deep breath thru your nose and a slowly exhale through your mouth with little effort at the end. As you exhale, mentally delete everything you want to get rid of, all your emotional problems and physical illnesses. Just four cycles of full breathing exercise is enough to make you feel better. You can practice this simple exercise any time you feel overwhelmed with emotions, especially before bedtime, to clear your consciousness from negative thoughts. You will sleep better and wake up well rested and refreshed.

The Triorigin practices have a healing effect at all levels: they harmonize consciousness, strengthen the body and improve the quality of life. They relieve muscle and nerve tension and activate the spiral energy system.

Various types of Smile Meditation* allow us to transform the destructive effect of the stress into constructive motivation to re-evaluate essentials and focus on potentials. These methods help elevate self-esteem and become self-sufficient, to rid of dependence on nicotine, alcohol, coffee and anti-depressants.

Don’t forget about your diet that should be easy to digest, help replenish energy and reduce stress. You should eat variety of quality foods that will give you pleasure and will bring a smile on your face. Include in your diet olive oil, rice, dairy products, eggs, black chocolate, berries, sweet peppers, bananas, fatty fish, dark greens, nuts, herbs and spice (thyme, rosemary, dill, sage etc.).

Adapting to stress takes a lot of strength which is draining our nervous system and weakening the function of the immune system which can lead to illness and infection. Quite often, stress causes skin disorders, premature aging, physical and mental dysfunction that could trigger autoimmune diseases. For decades autoimmune diseases were known as chronic conditions with no cure. Conventional medicine often addresses autoimmune disease with powerful immune-suppressing medication rather than searching for the cause. I believe there's a better way to deal with autoimmune conditions. Fortunately, there is a natural supplement called Transfer Factor Classic produced from cow colostrum that helps restore a weakened immune system by training cells to identify the underlying foreign sources of inflammation and withstand their attack on the healthy cells. This product is natural and safe as mother's milk.  Transfer Factor Classic naturally helps to reverse many health disorders.

Transfer Factor Classic

*You can find other articles about Su Jok, Twist Gymnastics, Smile Meditation, Triorigin and more in this blog.


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