
Stop And Smell The Roses

 Your nose is not only the one of the most significant face features but has other very important functions: - Sense of smell (olfactory) that allows us to enjoy the pleasant aromas and warns us of dangers. - Protects Coming through the nose the inhaled air is being cleansed from environmental dust and germs, warmed and moisturized in the nasal sinuses. - Controls the lungs and heart functions. Clear and unobstructed nasal passages promote productive oxygen supply, increase breathing volume and regulate heartbeat. - Stimulates brain function. Nasal nerve receptors are part of the brain tissue. - Voice Resonance characterizes and differentiates our voices. With that being said, it is clear what an important role nasal breathing plays in maintaining good health. When the pathogens such as allergens, viruses, bacteria and dust attack the nasal mucosa, the swelling develops and the nose becomes congested. This changes the sound of your voice, develops headache, shortens breathi

Twist walking to get in shape

Do you wish to get in shape? Do you want to boost your metabolism? If you have a sedentary job and don’t have time to go to the gym or avoid doing so because you feel weak and fatigued after a workout, then Twist Walking Exercise could come to your rescue! The therapeutic twist enhances the movement of an energy in the meridians, stabilizes the body, balances metabolism, improves blood circulation and harmonizes an overall wellbeing. This therapeutic twist exercise is effortless and offers the comfortable and pleasant movements besides being absolutely safe! This exercise does not require any special accommodations and can be done anywhere on the go - at home, while taking a walk, at the office, on the plane, while swimming. I would like to introduce to you a therapeutic twist walking, which has a detoxifying effect, increases metabolism, improves blood circulation, relieves stress and fatigue, as well as being easy and painless. It doesn't take lots of time and costs nothi

Twist can lower your high blood pressure

  Since ancient times people unknowingly used the twist therapy to maintain their health and good mood. The history of twist therapy goes back many centuries in the form of folk dances (round dances), yoga, etc. However, twist therapy can also be used to ease some specific chronic and acute conditions. For example, even such disturbing condition as high blood pressure can be relieved with the use of twist therapy. How to do this? Sit in a chair, put your feet in a clubfooted position - toes together and heels apart, drop down your arms with your palms turned back. Tilt your head forward and slightly to the right, turn your chin to the right, so your left ear is facing your right knee. Relax, making sure you are comfortable in this position. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, maintaining even normal breathing. After 30 seconds, return to the starting position and take 3 normal in and out breaths. Rest for 1 - 2 minutes and check your blood pressure again using a blood pressure monitor.

Immune system product

Immune system product that boosts natural killer cell activity by up to 283% • Promotes healthy immune system function that, in turn, promotes healthy energy levels and the healthy function of all other systems throughout the body • Contains 4Life Transfer Factor to educate immune cells and promote the immune system’s ability to more effectively recognize, respond to, and remember potential health threats • Is protected by U.S. patents: 6,468,534 (extraction process for transfer factors from egg sources) and 6,866,868 (combination process of transfer factors from cow colostrum and chicken egg yolks) Tri-Factor Formula contains ingredients made by the immune system for the immune system. It represents a revolutionary advancement in 4Life Transfer Factor Science and raises the bar on the standard of immune system support with 4Life Tri-Factor Formula—a combination of UltraFactor XF, OvoFactor, and NanoFactor extracts. The messenger molecules found in 4Life Tra

Harmonizing Exercise

There are many Twisting practices. All of them are different but have common logic which is based on the Twist therapy. This makes them easy to learn and practice. Among patients who enjoyed practicing them are of age ranges from the youngest of the 19 days old newborn to the oldest of 94 years old. The typical physical exercise could cause pain and discomfort preventing its completion, while the Twist Therapy is based on comfort and relaxation. The most therapeutic twist motions are those in an opposite direction from a painful one. They should not cause any discomfort. Those are the ones that should be performed at larger amplitude and for a longer time. The Harmonizing Twist Exercise is uncomplicated and used for diagnostic purposes. This exercise is composed of 4 movements, which symbolize four directions of the globe, four seasons, four elements. The synergy of these fundamental forces fills the body with power, energy, serenity and freshness generating a harmonizing effec

Viral vibes

Spring is the time of wind, the time when everything changes swiftly and spreads out. A nature awakes and changes vigorously every day. The same happens to us, our emotions and body functions change briskly. What can we do to help ourselves? We can control wind energy and direct it to the desired course. The coronavirus pandemic has been officially declared. The internet is swamped with contradictory information confusing the consumers of what to believe. In such extraordinary situations, the most important is to keep calm, to be aware and act wisely. The virus is like radiation - invisible but dangerous. The best strategy is to set barriers to prevent it from penetrating our bodies to harm us. Therefore the preventive measures are most important - closing the borders to protect the entrance gates. The entrance gates to the body are the skin and the mucous membranes. The preventive measures are the routine personal hygiene. Cleanliness guarantees health! Every rational pers

The road leads to the West, the soul strives to the East…

My path to Oriental Medicine started over 30 years ago while I was a student at Medical Institute of Pediatrics in Russia. Back then, my mother was getting a treatment from the author of one of the most popular books on acupuncture in Russia. She liked the results from this therapeutic approach and bought many books about Acupuncture Study, which almost all I used later for my Acupuncture education that was called “Reflex Therapy” back in those days in Russia. But I was a medical school student and my real interest was only in scientific knowledge of Western Medicine. I became a DOCTOR!   After my graduation I started working as pediatrician in Ulan-Ude, Russia. It was very interesting but also difficult time. To see joyful and grateful eyes of the patients was a real reward for me as a doctor. But quickly I got unsatisfied with the results of my work. The same patients coming back again and again with the same problems, the same diseases getting the same treatments had put my